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How To Make Your Blog Visitors Stay Longer

Focus on providing value and informative content rather than blatant advertising

 Your content and the value which it provides is the sticking point which helps to build a relationship with your readers. A relationship needs some measure of trust by both parties but when you successfully gain this trust from your readers or clients then you are also creating a longer term investment where current customers also become future customers.
There are many ways you can provide value for people who will, in turn, be very happy to return the favor by becoming a customer. For instance, you could offer free online courses or a series of tutorials which people can access after they sign up as free members.
You could also set up your own forum or support system which provides help to people but also an opportunity for people to interact with each other.

Make your site navigation friendly

 Have a look at your site. Does your site contain many advertisements or distractions that can make it difficult for the visitors to properly view or navigate on your site? The first thing you need to concentrate to retain your visitors is to make your site user-friendly. You should make it easy for the visitors to read the quality content of your site. This will make your visitors come back to your site.

Remove unnecessary external links from your landing pages and use internal links

 Trying to increase the average visitor time on your site is one of the ways that you can decrease your bounce rate and increase your rankings. If you use Google Analytics you’ve probably already heard of the term “bounce rate”.Bounce rate (as defined by Google) is:“ ..the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the entrance (landing) page ”.Therefore plastering your affiliate banners and links all over your pages can work against you if your visitors leave your site immediately from the page they entered from.
Try to entice your visitors to read more by offering them some relevant links to another internal page or post where you provide a useful review and which ultimately contains your affiliate banner. This way you are not pushing people straight out of the same door they entered.

Link to relevant posts

 When your readers come to read popular posts, they might as well want to view more of similar posts. If you do not have anything for them, they will leave your site. However, if you provide them similar posts, they will even visit those posts. This will make them stay longer on your site.

Make your popular posts visible

 You need to go through the stats of your blog to see which posts have been viewed many times. Those posts are truly worth visiting again and again, and hence, they are popular. You can use your popular posts to attract new visitors. You need to make your popular posts visible on the home page and every page of your site.

Include video content on your posts and pages

 The video is one of the most effective ways to communicate a message to people. Even short videos of just a few minutes can often deliver more value to your readers than multiple pages of writing can.
 Therefore in the cases where you would usually get people browsing through an article in 10 to 20 seconds before leaving, the added benefit of using a short video is that it increases the likely-hood that people will stay on your site for longer because they are watching your video.
 Video on the Internet is really just a modern extension of TV but the great thing is that you get to be the producer of the content.

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