How to Make Money on YouTube
Set up by building your YouTube channel.
Your channel is your personal presence on YouTube.
Each YouTube account has one channel
attached to it.
NOTE : A YouTube account is the same
as Google account.

Add content
Try to upload content that is high
quality, and isn't too long. Also try to upload regularly & stay consistent with your uploads.
Gain an Audience.
To gain an audience is the key to increase your monetization. You need people to watch your ads in order to make money on Youtube. There is no one secret to
getting more visitors, just make the best
content that you can, share on other social media and they will link to your channel.
Monetize your videos.
In order to start earning money on your videos, you’ll need to enable monetization. This means you are allowing YouTube to place ads in your video.
Set up Google AdSense.
You can set up Google AdSense for free at the AdSense website. You must be 18 years or older to create your own account. If you are younger
than that, you will need an adult to help you.
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